Mirage M-‐160 Installation and Maintenance Instructions
5.1 Hazard Notes
When initially operating the M-‐160 sprinkler, pressure builds up within 5
seconds. This will increase as operating pressure increases from a booster
pump or on-‐site deliver pressure.
The water-‐jet can cause injury
. For this
reason, the following points MUST BE observed during the commissioning of
the sprinkler.
During automatic operation of the sprinkler no persons should be standing in
front of or in the area where the arc pattern has been set.
Installers and/or maintenance personnel should stand back behind the
sprinkler jet direction. A molded arrow on the top of the sprinkler indicates
the direction of the water jet, (see Figure 6-‐1)
Top Cover of M-‐160 Sprinkler
Figure 6-‐1
To avoid personal injury, verify the surrounding grades around the M-‐160
are flat and uniform.
5.2 Commissioning
1) Open the isolation valve to the irrigation mainline slowly filling and pressurizing of the
piping system. The M-‐160 may open briefly but will quickly close automatically after 30
2) Look for any leaks between the swing joint and M-‐160 inlet threads. If leaks are
observed, de-‐pressurize the sub-‐lateral piping system then remove the sprinkler head and
re-‐apply Teflon tape. Re-‐check per #1 above.
Paragraphs, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 reference adjustment to the M-‐160 while operating.
Use caution standing back behind the water jet during these tasks.