Underhill ICC Decoder Module Troubleshooting Guide
Observed Field Condition
15) “I have a master valve that has its own separate wire path from the Hunter ICC
controller. I need to add a new station, which I connected to the wire path for the
master valve with a decoder but the station does not operate. I can hear the solenoids
buzzing, but neither valve will open.”
Possible Causes
The wire path used for the master valve cannot be used for the additional station
because it driven from the multi-‐wire side of the Hunter ICC controller.
Locate the nearest valve box with an existing station decoder. Run a temporary 2Wire
path on-‐grade to this location and attempt to operate this station manually. It should
operate. If it doesn’t verify the decoder has been programmed to the appropriate
station number and retry. If the valve operates as well as the master valve, then trench
and bury the temporary 2Wire path.
Observed Field Condition
16) “Stations will come on randomly, out of numerical sequence and may not be
associated with a scheduled start time. Others times a station will start on a
scheduled start time and another station will operate at the same in a random order.”
Possible Cause
You may have one or more decoders that are starting to fail. Replacement of the
defective decoders will resolve this observed field condition.
How To Troubleshoot
Damaged decoders typically take a lower or higher current than the 2.9 to 3.1 mA
You will need a digital clamp meter, Underhill p/n TW-‐DCM to measure current along
the 2Wire path. See photo below.
Place the digital clamp meter anywhere along the 2Wire comp path but around one of
the 2Wire cables only as shown below.