Underhill ICC Decoder Module Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Guide
This troubleshooting guide represents common field conditions and questions related to
the ICC Decoder Module. Review the list of “Observed Field Conditions” in the table of
contents below and then scroll to the corresponding page.
Table of Contents
1) “I cannot water any stations from the Underhill ICC Decoder module”. ................... 3
2) “Some of the stations connected to the Underhill ICC Decoder module will not
irrigate either manually or from a programmed start time”. ............................................ 8
3) “The Hunter ICC is only capable of managing 32 stations with Hunter station
modules. How can it manage up to 48 stations with an Underhill ICC Decoder
Module”? .............................................................................................................................................. 8
4) “I have an 8-‐station Hunter ICC in which 7 stations are used. This installation
also has an Underhill 2Wire module in the second station module space and I
cannot operate station 08 from the 2Wire Decoder”. .......................................................... 9
5) “The Hunter ICC is using 11 stations with two station modules and this
installation also has an Underhill 2Wire module in the third space. I cannot
operate stations 12-‐16”. ................................................................................................................. 9
6) “When operating a manual “test” sequence on the Hunter ICC, stations will turn
“On” for about 15-‐25 seconds, but then turn off and move to the next station and
repeat the same condition. The red LED “Error” light illuminates.” .............................. 9
7) “I’m having difficulty in programming a decoder beyond 32 stations.” ................. 10
8) “The Hunter ICC continuously displays an “ERR” message when irrigating any
station manually or from a scheduled start. All of the stations are operating
without any issues. Why does this occur?” ............................................................................ 11
9) “There are two solenoids sharing a single decoder. All other stations operate,
but neither one of these valves will operate in a Manual or scheduled irrigation
mode.” ................................................................................................................................................. 12
10) “I have one or more stations that won’t operate. How can I troubleshoot this
field issue?” ....................................................................................................................................... 13
11) “I just replaced the Underhill ICC decoder module, do I need to reprogram all of
the decoders?” ................................................................................................................................. 13