Owner's manual
page 20
of 36-
The system warns the operator about failures by means of the control station (visual and
acoustic signals) and the control unit display.
The central red LEDs on the user interface show failures.
A buzzer inside the lever produces a sound that can be stopped by keeping key
HIGH IDLE pressed for a few seconds.
No visual signals will be shown when an alarm is stopped.
Failures are divided into two categories: warnings (not severe failures) and
errors (severe failures).
The left red LED will indicate a failure on the port engine (or on single-engine boats) and the right one for
the starboard engine.
To acknowledge the failure it is necessary to read the error code on the control unit display.
The error is shown on the diagnostic main page.
In single-engine systems, if there are no errors, this page is displayed as follows:
If there is an error, indication "ER" is displayed as follows:
In twin-engine systems, if there are no errors, this page is displayed as follows:
If there is an error, indication "ER" is displayed as follows:
Indication ER can be present on one side only. In this case, the error is detected on the relevant side (the
first line refers to port, the second one to starboard).
For more information about the failure it is necesary to consult the item diagnostic page.
To scroll the diagnostic pages press the right arrow of the navigation switch.
To select the desired items (marked by an asterisk on its right) press key OK at the centre of the navigation
The following pages show one table for each diagnostic page on the control unit that can help to acknowledge
the failure.