With the burner comes a temperature giver
controlling start and stop of the burner. This giver
should be placed in one of the plunger pipe of the
boiler or in suitable place under the isolation of the
boiler so high up as possible since the water
temperature is warmest there.
In this menu you read the present boiler temperature
and set the desired hysteresis.
The basic setting is that the burner starts at 65
degrees and turns off at 85 degrees. At longer
operation times the effect increases and gives a
better efficiency. Shorter intervals give more starts
per 24h and contribute to more wear on ignition
element and give higher fuel consumption. Therefore
we recommend a hysteresis of minimum10degrees
The control system also keeps track of some history
that could me useful to the installer at service. This
history shows how many ignition errors, fuel errors
and if any overheating have occurred via the sensing
giver that is placed on the tipping chute and has the
function of cutting the power to the burner if it is
starting to get too hot up in the tipping chute. This
giver is part of the security.
(The display shows a message and the burner has turned off)
At this alarm something has happened to the
giver that controls the boiler temperature. Do not
do any attempts to start the burner, we
recommend that you turn off the switch on the
burner. Immediately contact your nearest
retailer/installer or ULMA AB.