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UI Robot Technology Co. Ltd.
In order to communicate with UIM2842 controller, a UIM2501 CAN-RS232 Converting
Controller is required between the user device and the UIM2842. The user device sends
ASCII coded instructions through RS232 port to the UIM2501 converter. Inside UIM2501,
the RS232 based instructions are translated into CAN messages and sent to UIM2842
With this UIM2501 converter, the user does not have to understand and deal with CAN bus
operations but still enjoy the advantages of CAN bus, such as high speed, long distance,
interference immunity, network, and easy wiring. UIM2501 is small in size, and is set up
near the host, so the communication is quick and efficient. UIM2501 supports 115200 bps
RS232 baud rate. The instruction takes about 1ms (0.001s) to transfer from user machine
to UIM2842. At the same time, it only takes 50~100 us to transfer a message through
SimpleCAN. This ensures the real-time of the system.
For detailed instructions and operations on the communication between user device and
UIM2501, please refer to the UIM2501 user manual.
3.1 Controller ID Assignment
Before operation, a unique identification number (i.e., ID or address) is assigned to every
UIM2842 controller needs to be. ID is used to identify which object is the instructions send
to, and where the ACK is from.
Every UIM2842 controller has a factory default ID of 5. User can change the ID through
Before assign an ID to a UIM2842 controller, please make sure the UIM2501
controller and the UIM2842 controller are connected together using the standalone
operation scheme (Figure 0-3). A motor is not necessary.
For detailed process and instructions for Controller ID assignment, please see the
UIM2501 user manual.
Please Note: If there are two or more UIM2842 controllers with the same ID in a network,
the network may not work properly.
efore assign an ID to a UIM2842 controller, please
make sure the UIM2501 controller and the UIM2842 controller are connected together
using the standalone operation scheme.
3.2 Instruction List
The following table shows the instructions mentioned in this chapter, the details of those
instructions are described at the end of the document.
Check the model of controller,function module and version
For details of CAN2.0 bit rate setting and global instructions, please refer to the UIM2501
user manual.
Incorrect bit rate will result in communication failure or unstable.