If the key is released during the appropriate blinking rate then the appropriate data
format is selected.
Note: If the decoder no longer reacts to key inputs from the input device the wrong
data format was selected! Programming must be repeated.
3. Specify servo output to program
When the key is released the servo on connector 1 briefly moves back and forth. If
the key is pressed again the servo at connector 2 briefly moves back and forth.
Further operation changes to output 3 and 4. If the key is then operated again,
programming mode is terminated.
Operate the key repeatedly until the servo on the output to be programmed moves
4. Specifying the solenoid address for the selected servo output
On the digital center or another control device which can switch solenoids, operate
one of the two keys (red or green) which are to move this servo later. The servo
decoder acknowledges the key press by the servo briefly moving back and forth.
5. Selecting solenoid keys for [+] and [-] keys
In order to be able to set up stops and the speed of the servo during programming
two keys must be specified to be used as [+] and [-] key.
From the digital center or another control device which can switch solenoids, press
the key which is to be used as [+]-key. The solenoid address of this key must not be
the same as the previously selected solenoid address. The servo decoder
acknowledges the key press by briefly moving the servo back and forth.
In the same way the key which is to be the [-]-key is determined.
Note: After programming this allocation is deleted so that these keys can be used
on the layout as normal.