The station self-detects its operating status automatically. When the iron
is not in use and stayed static for longer than approximately 10 minutes,
the soldering iron will cool to 200°C/392° automatically to enter sleep
mode. This function prevents the iron tip from oxidizing effectively,
extends the lifespan of the soldering iron tip, and conserves energy.
1. Press and hold the hot air rework station temperature increase and the
soldering station temperature decrease buttons, then, turn ON the power
switch. The display will show value ‘SLP 010’ to indicate the sleep mode
timer set to 10 minutes.
2. Press the soldering station temperature increase or decrease button to
set the sleep mode timer. The sleep mode timer can be set to 0 or 10
minutes. When the timer value is set to 0, sleep mode is turned OFF.
Sleep Mode (Soldering Station)