S e c t i o n 5 : P r o g r a m m i n g
[003] Periodic DLS Time
This section is used to program the time of day periodic DLS down-
load takes place. Time is in 24-hour format and the default is 00:00
[007] Delay Call Window
This section is used to define a user call-up window. Users can only
initiate a downloading session during this window. When a value is
entered in this section, the setting in Periodic DLS Time (see the
option above) is overridden. When 00:00 is entered in this field, the
alarm system initiates a DLS call at the time programmed in Periodic
DLS Time. Start and end times must be defined using 24-hour format
(e.g., 13:30).
5.3.12 Schedule Programming
The sections described below are used for programming scheduled
operating times for PGM command outputs 1-4.
[601]-[604] Programming Schedule 1-4
These sections are used to define schedules for PGM command out-
puts 1-4 operation. When a PGM is configured for timed output oper-
ation, it activates at the programmed start time and will turn off after
the programmed duration. For example, 5 seconds.
Each schedule contains 4 intervals, for PGMs 1-4. Within each inter-
val, a start time and end time can be programmed for each day of the
week. Holiday schedules 1-4 can also be selected.
[101]-[102] Set Start Time/ End Time
Used to program the time of day the schedule interval begins and
ends. (HH:MM). Valid entries are 0000-2359 and 9999. The end time
must be equal to or greater than the start time. 9999 is used when an
interval needs to extend past 24 hours. To do this, program the start
time of the first interval then the end time with 9999. Program the
start time of the second interval as 9999. Select the day of the week
the schedule will end.
If two intervals in a schedule are programmed with the same
start time, the schedule follows the interval with the longest end time.
[103] Days Assignment
Used to program the day of the week that the schedule interval starts
and ends. Use the scroll keys to select a day then toggle the option
on. Multiple days of the week can be enabled.
[104] Holiday Assignment
Program PGMs to follow holiday schedule group 1-4. Select (Y) to
enable. If all days of the week for an interval are disabled (N), the
schedule activates on the enabled holidays.
[711]-[714] Holiday Schedules
Use this section to program holiday schedules. During holiday sched-
ules, other scheduled events do not occur. Enter section 711 to 714
for holiday group 1 to 4.
Each of the four available holiday groups can have up to 99 holiday
schedules programmed.
[001]-[099] Holiday Dates 1-99
Program holiday dates in the following format: MMDDYY
MM valid entries are 01 to 12
DD valid entries are 01 to 31
YY valid entries are 00 to 99
5.3.13 Wireless Programming
[804] Wireless Programming
This programming section is used to enroll, program and delete wire-
less devices. Note that the HSM2HOSTx wireless transceiver or RF
model keypad must be installed in order to enroll wireless devices.
[000] – Wireless Device Enrollment
To enroll a wireless device using this method, press and hold the
Enroll button on the device for 2-5 seconds until the LED illuminates
then release the button. The alarm system automatically discovers the
device and the keypad displays a confirmation message. The device
ID, type and the next available zone number are displayed. Press [*]
to accept or scroll to another available zone number. Batteries must
be installed in the wireless device in order to enroll.
Ensure wireless signal strength is adequate before mounting
the wireless device. See the instructions provided with the wireless
device for details.
For complete wireless device programming descriptions and
worksheets, see the HSM2Hostx wireless transceiver installation manual.
[850] Cellular Signal Strength
This section is used to view both the cellular signal strength and the
radio technology in use.
Table 5-3: Cellular Technology
5 bars indicate maximum signal strength. 0 bars indicate the commu-
nicator is not connected to the network.
[851] Alternate Communicator Programming
See the alternate communicator installation manual for programming
[860] Display Keypad Slot Number
The 2-digit slot number of the keypad being used is displayed in this
read only section.
[861]-[876] Keypad Programming
Use section [861] to [876] to configure keypads 1 to 16. For informa-
tion on keypad programming, refer to the installation sheet supplied
with the keypad.
[899] Template Programming
Template programming allows quick programming of the minimum
functions required for basic operation. This section is used to view
current template programming options and to define certain system
parameters. Press the (#) key to accept the displayed value and
advance to the next option. The following options are available:
5-digit Template Code: Displays the current 5-digit template pro-
gramming code (default: 0000). Each digit in the code selects a
set of pre-defined programming options, as described below:
• Digit 1 - zone 1-8 definition options