14 Firmware Updating
The CORIOmaster has been designed for easy updating of both Software and Firmware to
enable new facilities to be easily incorporated into units in the field. The method requires
use of the USB rear connector to upload the new Firmware. Before carrying out this
process the unit must have been powered up and logged into by use of the RS232 port.
14.1 Connecting a PC to the CORIOmaster
To upload the new Firmware a PC should be connected to the Rear USB connector. If this
is the first time the PC is connected the Pc may request drivers to be found, this is for the
Serial Emulator, if these are not available then cancel this stage. The PC will then find two
external drives. The first is the internal NAND and should only be accessed under direct
request from TVOne technical support.
The second drive is the internal SD Card and will come up with the Label TVONE. This
Drive is used to hold user files. To update the unit the user must drop two files into the
root directory of this drive.
14.2 Firmware File Description
The Firmware for the unit is a single file containing all the sub files required to load the
system. The naming is in the form M133_M00.dat for the CORIOmaster. The 133 being
the version number.
The SD Card can have many M133_M00.dat files in the root directory. The user selects
the desired file by the PLSBOOT file. This file is a 12 character long file that holds in text
form the file to the uploaded. When a new file is sent to a customer a PLSBOOT is also
sent that can replace the existing PLSBOOT in the root directory, the user can also directly
edit the PLSBOOT on the TVONE drive to change the text to any of the M133_M00.dat
14.3 Firmware update process
Once the new Firmware file and PLSBOOT file pointing to this file has been placed onto
the TVONE drive the user should disconnect the USB cable and return to the RS232
control .
From the command line type
The reply should show that the PLSBOOT has been found and that it is loading the
M133_M00.dat file.
The process then checks the file for integrity and will start Erasing the FLASH.
Files are then deleted and replaced. A message stating update successful will be shown
followed by a rebooting of the system running the new Firmware. If it fails at any stage a
command TVONE> prompt will appear.