A scaler is a function that takes an input value and applies an offset and scaling (multiplication or
division by a fixed ratio). The result may be used for: display on the custom telemetry screen, voice
output, as the source for a mix, or as a comparison value for a custom switch.
For telemetry display purposes each scaler may be given a four character name. For both telemetry
display and voice usage, the units may be selected, together with the number of implicit decimal
places. The parameters for a scaler are:
Source: Stick/pot value, trainer input, channel output or telemetry value.
Offset: -125 to +125.
Multiplier: 1 to 256.
Divisor: 1 to 256.
Unit: Select from Feet, Volts, Deg_C, Deg_F, mAh, Amps, Metre, Watts.
Negate: Change the sign of the result
Precision: Number of decimal places 0, 1 or 2.
Offset At: Define whether the offset is applied First, or after the multiplier and divisor.
Name: four-character, user-edited name.
Note that the output of a scaler can be used as an input (source) for the vario sensor telemetry value
or for a global variable (GVAR).
There’s a lot to learn about Ersky9x if you want to get the most out of your 9XR Pro. It may all look
quite intimidating, but most of it you don’t need initially (or perhaps ever) and can learn as you go
along. Programming a simple model is not very difficult and you can leave the more complex
capabilities of the firmware until you really need them. But do visit the documentation from time to
time to remind yourself of the amazing capabilities of this programming system. You will find
something new and useful every time.
Initially, people who have worked with other transmitters may find this one very different. But most
people find that once they “get” the Ersky9x approach, programming models is often quicker and
easier than with the approach used by traditional transmitters. And certainly when they get to more
complex models, the power and openness of the Ersky9x approach makes things easy that are hard
or impossible on many traditional transmitters.
We hope this manual will help you understand Ersky9x and that programming the firmware will
become a major part of your enjoyment of our hobby.
One last thought. Do explore
on your computer. Not only does this program offer an easy
way to create new models and fine tune existing ones, but it will help you update the firmware and
backup your models to the computer.
Ersky9x Explained – version 1
of 45