Mode (i.e., stick mode)
Choose the Mode setting (1, 2, 3 or 4) to suit your preference and/or match local practice. Mode 1
(throttle and aileron on right stick, elevator and rudder on left) and Mode 2 (elevator and aileron
on right stick, throttle and rudder on left) are by far the most popular stick configurations around
the world. Less common are Modes 3 and 4, which are similar to modes 1 and 2 respectively
except that they have aileron control on the left and rudder on the right.
To change mode in the Radio Setup page, move the cursor to the number below ‘Mode’, press
MENU and use the arrow keys. This will change the stick assignments shown below the stick
function diagrams.
The physical stick arrangement of the gimbals must match the chosen mode. Specifically, the
throttle stick is normally non-centering, using friction or a ratchet to hold its position, while other
axes use a spring to return the stick to center. Normally the transmitter is purchased in the
desired mode 1 or 2 physical configuration, but this can be changed by the user (though doing so
may void the warranty).
Changing the stick mode requires removing the back of the transmitter, partly disassembling each
stick unit and interchanging the spring centering mechanism on the vertical axis of one with the
friction mechanism on the other. A video showing the process in detail can be found on the
Alternatively, a pair of stick assemblies in the appropriate mode (1 or 2) can be
purchased inexpensively and substituted relatively easily for the existing sticks.
The other feature available in this area of Radio Setup is to be used ONLY if the transmitter
gimbals are upgraded to a different type. Doing so may require that the operation of one or more
sticks be reversed to agree with the direction of the corresponding trim switches. To use this
capability, move the cursor to the stick function diagrams, press MENU and highlight the axes to
be reversed. To change back to normal stick directions, press LEFT repeatedly. Do not use this
feature to achieve servo reversal.
That’s the end of Radio Setup, the longest screen of all. Fortunately, it isn’t necessary to change
these settings very often, and most can be left on their default values.
Now to other pages that set parameters or display information, starting at the last.
Boot Reason (page 11/11)
With the cursor on the top line of the previous screen, a short LEFT press moves to a screen which
shows how the transmitter was last started (normally ‘Power On’). If you have an unexplained start-
up or shut-down, this information may help in troubleshooting.
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Ersky9x Explained – version 1
of 45