(Fig. 11)
(Fig. 10)
(Fig. 12)
(Fig. 13)
(Fig. 14)
16 TurboLock TL111WM
Part 3 - Installing the Latch
Step 1.
Insert the latch into the hole. Using a pencil, mark a line around edge of latch plate to
use as a guide. After marking at all four sides of the plate, remove the latch.
(Fig. 10)
Step 2.
Chisel about 3mm (0.1”) deep or until latch plate sits flush with door edge.
(Fig. 11)
During chiseling, it’s highly recommended to stop and reinsert the latch every once in a
while to see if it sits flush. If not, chisel a little more and check again. Be careful not to
chisel too deep; otherwise, the lock may not function correctly after installation.
Step 3.
Insert the latch into the hole and check it. The latch’s plate should sit flush against the
edge of the door.
(Fig. 12)
If there’s too much space behind the latch or if it’s sticking out
of the door the latch should be adjusted. If the latch needs adjusted, move to Step 4;
otherwise, skip to Step 5.
Step 4.
Hold the front of the latch and the square opening from both sides, pull or push to
extend or retract the latch end as needed.
(Fig. 13)
Insert the latch back into the door.
Step 5.
Check the latch’s bolt and make sure the rounded side faces in. Use the 2x wood
screws and a screwdriver (not included) to secure them.
(Fig. 14)