Turbines Incorporated
Cryogenic Flow Delivery System
CDS1000 Manual (Rev E)
CDS1000 Page
Use to restart the system. Same as a power cycle.
4) Update Software (Factory use only)
6) Restart System
5) Hardware Test Calibrate (Factory use only)
7) Serial Echo
8) Loaner (Factory use only)
Use to test communications with the OUTPUT RS-232
port. Keys can be pressed to send characters to the
target device and characters can be sent from the target
device to the CDS1000 to be displayed on the LCD.
* Default Value
4) Print Comm
Press 1-4
1) Baud rate
2) Eol Character
3) Use Bluetooth
Press 1-4
Press “0” NO, “1” YES*
5) Print timeout
Enter setting in seconds, press “ENT”
(max 9999)
6) Spare
7) Spare
8) N/A
9) N/A
0) Return to page 1
Default 9600
Default CR+LF
Default 150s
If Bluetooth is set to “NO”
then print data will be sent
to the RS-232 port on the
rear of the unit (labeled
The print timeout controls when the
ticket totals are adjusted for a new ticket .
When the timer expires, the value for
start is set to the last value for stop. So,
the ticket for the current delivery must be
printed prior to this timeout.
3) Change system settings (continued)
0) Goto Page 2 (continued)
1] Product
2] Temp.
3] Temp. UOM
4] Date
5] Time
6] TCF
7] Start
8] Stop
9] Total
2) Print Format 1/2
3) Print Format 2/2
1] Deliv UOM
2] Deliv info
3] Copy #
4] Meter #
5] Trailer #
6] Serial #
7] Delivery #
8] Title
9] Lines/page
Print Format
Select and enter the
value for the x, y
position to display on
the ticket:
"10.03" is line 3
starting at the 10
character from the left
An unused value will
print blank
Press “ESC” to exit. The system will display “R”, meaning it is resetting.
Pressing and holding “ESC” immediately following pressing “ESC” to exit will return
the system back to the main programming menu. If you do not return back to the main
programming menu, power the unit off to start over.