Figure 55: Using Microsoft ® NetMeeting
13. Double-click on a person in the list. A NetMeeting connection will be made.
The person may not wish to make a connection with you, because this person may be communicating with
somebody else. If this is the case, select somebody else from the list.
You can find other ils servers on the Internet.
For more information or instructions on how to solve problems, click on ‘Help’ (see figure 50). This contains a
description of all the functions available with NetMeeting.
10.4 WebCam & Internet
The ‘Trust FamilyC@m 300 Digital Movie’ can also be used as a webcam, for example, on your Internet
A number of informative sites about webcams are given below:
At these sites, you can download software that you can use to send live video images over the Internet.
Please refer to the sites concerned for information on how to install and use the software.