8.2.2) Lower ng
After the drywall plate has been l fted and mounted, the plate l ft can be lowered as follows.
1. Open the rack fuse (2.3) as shown on F g. 19. You may need to turn the plate l ft crank (2.1)
n a clockw se d rect on to be able to loosen the fuse.
Attent on! There s a r sk of njury!
3. Re- nsert the rack fuse (2.3) mmed ately so that t s connected to the appl ed rack.
Attent on! Dur ng the lower ng, f you can not engage the racks w th an aud ble cl ck on
the teeth of the rod, the rack fuse does not apply. Ensure that the fuse s appl ed
8.3) He ght adjustment of the telescop c un t
The telescop c un t s he ght-adjustable by 39 cm. There are 4 ava lable pos t ons n ntervals of
13 cm.
1. Adjust the he ght of the telescop c un t (6) only after the plate l ft has been completely
lowered as descr bed n chapter 8.2.2.
2. Loosen the w ng nut and the screw at the upper end of the rack on the hous ng frame (2) and
sl de the ent re plate l ft ng un t up unt l you have reached the des red sett ng.
3. Hold the plate l ft ng un t f rmly, push the screw through the open ng and f x t w th the w ng
Attent on! There s a r sk of njury!
The plate l ft ng un t s heavy. When push ng and hold ng the plate l ft, you must exert enough
force to use the plate l ft ng un t w th the screw and can f x the w ng nut.
Always adjust the he ght of the telescop c un t to your needs before load ng.
Never perform the he ght adjustment on a surface, wh le loaded w th a drywall plate.
8.4) Mob l ty
You can eas ly move the plate l ft across your work ng space f
necessary. To do th s, follow these steps.
1. Lower the plate l ft ng l ft completely, as descr bed n chapter
2. Remove the plate l ft ng un t completely by remov ng the w ng
nut and loosen ng the screw at the upper end of the rack on the
hous ng frame (2) and pull out the plate l ft ng un t.
3. Remove the lock ng lever (5) on the tr pod jo nt (4) and press
the mov ng cross bar + sw vel roller (w th brake) (1) as far as the
rear unt l t can be locked aga n n the pos t on shown (F gure 20).
4. W th th s changed pos t on of the cross bars, the w dth of the
tr pod s reduced to approx. 70 cm.
5. After reach ng the new place of use, attach the tr pod jo nt (5)
to the pos t on shown on f g. 21 as d splayed. Put the plate l ft ng
element back on the plate l ft and f x t w th the screw and the
w ng nut.
Attent on!
The reduced w ngspan adjustment of the tr pod s allowed only for better mob l ty. For the use of
the plate l fter t s always necessary to nsert the tr pod nto the pos t on shown n F gure 21.
8.5) Drywall Plates
Thanks to the 6 support po nts on the plate l ft arms, both drywall
plates 60 cm h gh, as well as drywall plates 125 cm h gh can be
securely loaded and mounted (F gure 22).
Care and ma ntenance
Regular ma ntenance of the plate l ft ng l ft w ll ensure not only a safe but also prolonged use of
th s dev ce. For your safety, only carry out ma ntenance work as descr bed n th s nstruct on
manual. Any repa r or adjustment must be performed by a qual f ed profess onal. Do not
perform any ma ntenance work unless you have completely understood these nstruct ons. In
case of doubt and uncerta nty, contact a qual f ed spec al st.
9.1) Care
Warn ng! Do not use chem cal, alkal ne, abras ve and aggress ve detergents or
d s nfectants and solvents, s nce these can damage the surface.
1. Always keep the plate l fter free of dust and d rt. W pe the surfaces w th a damp soft cloth.
2. Keep the handles free of o l and other greasy res dues to prevent acc dents and avo d any
result ng njury.
3. Check the plate l fter regularly for rust and corros on. Treat the spotted spots w th an o l cloth
and consult a spec al st. Make sure that all labels are undamaged.
9.2) Ma ntenance
Check all screws and nuts regularly and t ghten them f necessary.
Repa r
Warn ng! Any repa r work on the plate l ft can only be carr ed out by qual f ed personnel.
Store the plate l ft n a dark, dry and frost-free place. Store the dev ce always n a place that s
not access ble to ch ldren. The opt mum storage temperature s between 10 and 30°C. For
storage, act vate the park ng brakes, lower the plate l ft ng un t completely down and t lt them
forward. The plate l ft ng un t must not be stored n a hor zontal pos t on.
D sposal
Do not d spose of th s plate l ft w th the household waste. Recycle the valuable recyclable
mater als wh ch should be recycled n order to protect the env ronment and not to harm human
health through uncontrolled waste d sposal. Please d spose us ng su table collect on systems.
Th s product s subject to the legal warranty per od of 2 years. Please contact our customer
serv ce f the product should be n need of repa r dur ng th s t me.
* Note: The product may dev ate sl ghtly from the product mages shown here.tood these
nstruct ons. In case of doubt and uncerta nty, contact a qual f ed spec al st.