Part 2: Kit
Check there are no hidden cables
or pipes before drilling holes for
wall plugs. Use great care when
using power tools near water. The
use of a residual current device
(rCD) is recommended.
heated water pipe routed
inside the riser rail
This option is for installing a through
the ceiling riser rail for use with a falling
Use the following
instructions after installing the mixing unit
and when plumbing the unit.
Before drilling holes in the
ceiling or wall surface make sure there
is enough clearance above the ceiling to
accommodate the entry of the riser rail and
heated water pipe.
If the mixing unit is installed in a loft area
the following requirements must be met for
future servicing purposes:
There must be no risk of the mixing unit
or heated water pipe becoming frozen.
The mixing unit MuST NOT be covered
with any form of insulating material
that may give rise to electrical circuits
overheating during periods of high
ambient temperature.
A safe means of access must be provided
into the loft, e.g. via a fixed loft ladder.
The mixing unit MuST be installed in an
accessible and safe location.
Ceiling joists must be adequately boarded
to provide safe and unobstructed access
to, from and around the mixing unit.
There must be adequate lighting in the
loft for servicing purposes.
FallInG SuPPly — GEnERal
The edges of the riser rail are
extremely sharp. Take care when
handling and cutting the rails.