Excite electric shower
The preferred number on ECONOMY will
give a different temperature to the same number
position on HIGH.
To decrease the shower temperature
Turn the temperature control anti-clockwise to
increase the flow of water through the shower,
therefore decreasing the water temperature and
is indicated by lower numbers.
To increase the shower temperature
Turn the temperature control clockwise to
decrease the flow of water through the shower,
therefore increasing the water temperature and
is indicated by higher numbers.
It is advisable to be certain that the
showering temperature is satisfactory by testing
with your hand before stepping under the
showerhead. There will always be a time delay of
a few seconds between selecting a flow rate and
the water reaching the stable temperature for
that flow rate.
It is recommended that persons
who may have difficulty understanding or
operating the shower controls should not
be left unattended while showering. Special
consideration should be given to young
children and the less able bodied.
After any servicing of mains water
supply, always flush out the pipework
to remove any debris.
Always make sure the unit is started
on COLD in order to purge any air in
the pipework.
Select the economy setting on your
shower whenever possible. This will
significantly reduce the amount of
water used.
Taking a 5 minute shower each day
instead of a bath will use around a
third of the water. This could save
around 400 litres per person per week.
Consider buying a shower timer to
limit your time in the shower.