1235 Hickory Street | Pewaukee, WI 53072
For Customer Support: 800-558-7008
The Electric Drum Pump motor 30018 and 30021 are totally enclosed fan cooled motors (TEFC)
with a thermal overload switch. Do not use these motors in conjunction with flammable
materials or in hazardous duty areas. Do not submerge motors or let motors contact liquids. If
motor stops running, turn the power switch to the off position “0” and allow at least 10
minutes for the motor to cool. Check the viscosity of lubricant being pumped to remain within
limitations and resume operations. Electric motors cannot be operated continuously and should
not be operated for more than 30 minutes without cooldown.
The Pneumatic Drum Pump motor 30019 has a recommended operating pressure of 90
psi @ 28 CFM. Do not exceed an inlet pressure of 100 psi. Always use a Filter Lubricator
Regulator (FLR) to remove water from the air supply and to lubricate the necessary
components, use SAE 10 weight oil.