Silent Running Feature (Rain Off)
This feature allows user to shut down the controller remotely by
disconnecting valve common similar to a rain switch. The con-
troller can be disabled for 1 to 7 days or indefinitely.
The Receiver Card interrupts the signal from the controller to the
valves and shuts the system down without having to change pro-
gramming. Pressing "9" then the desired number of days, then
"Valve Off" will program the Silent Running feature.
Silent Running (Rain Off) codes:
90 Valve Off
91 Valve Off
1 Day
92 Valve Off
2 Days
93 Valve Off
3 Days
94 Valve Off
4 Days
95 Valve Off
5 Days
96 Valve Off
6 Days
97 Valve Off
7 Days
0 Valve Off
Pressing "0" then "Valve Off" will clear all and reset the Receiver
Card, erasing all Silent Running programs.
Installation Instructions:
Step 1:
Remove power
from controller first!
Step 2:
Unplug the ribbon cable from the main circuit board.
Step 3:
Connect the Receiver Card into the socket on the main
circuit board where the ribbon cable was removed from.
Step 4:
Plug the ribbon cable in the gray connector on
Receiver Card.
Step 5:
Route the antenna cable out of the bottom of the
controller and attach it on the left side of the outer
controller housing with the Vel-Cro supplied on
the antenna.
Step 6:
Re-apply power to your controller.
Receiver Card for the
Rain Bird
Antenna Cable
Receiver Card
Ribbon Cable