Information Page
Table 3-1. Information Page
TR-WMX operating mode (for example, bridge, router, etc.).
MAC Address
TR-WMX Media Access Control (MAC) address, as defined on the TCP/IP Settings page (see
section 2.3.1).
IP Mode
IP mode of the TR-WMX-3.5, as defined on the TCP/IP Settings page (see section 2.3.1).
IP Address
IP address of the TR-WMX-3.5.
Subnet Mask
Subnet mask of the TR-WMX-3.5.
Gateway mask of the TR-WMX-3.5.
Link Status
Shows whether the TR-WMX-3.5 is connected to the base station.
Frequency (Tx/Rx)
TR-WMX-3.5 transmit and receive frequencies, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see
section 3.2).
Bandwidth used by the TR-WMX-3.5.
RF Profile
TR-WMX-3.5 duplex method, as defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 3.2).
CP Size
TR-WMX-3.5 cyclic prefix size, as define on the Wireless Settings page (see section 3.2).
Tx Power (Max/Min/Cur)
TR-WMX-3.5 maximum, minimum, and current transmit power levels, in dBm. The maximum and
minimum settings are defined on the Wireless Settings page (see section 3.2).
RSSI, CINR, SNR, and average signal strength, in dBm.
RSSI - the higher the value, the higher the transmit rate (up to the maximum). Conversely, the
lower the RSSI, the lower the transmission speed until 0 is reached (no connectivity).
CINR - the higher the value, the more throughput a link can maintain.
SNR - the lower the value means the desired signal is nearly indistinguishable from the
unwanted noise.
Avrg - the average of the RSSI, CINR, and SNR values.
Base Stations
MAC address with which the TR-WMX-3.5 is communicating, as defined on the Wireless Settings
page (see section 3.2).
Board Serial Number
Serial number of the TR-WMX-3.5 printed circuit board.
Device Name
Name of the TR-WMX-3.5 unit, as defined on the Administrative Settings page (see section 4.4.1).
Default is TR-WMX.
Location of the TR-WMX-3.5, as defined on the Administrative Settings page (see Chapter 4).
Firmware Revision
Revision number of the firmware used by the TR-WMX-3.5.
Build Date
Build date of the firmware used by the TR-WMX-3.5.