Stove Maintenance
As with your car, regular maintenance will prolong the life of your stove. The following procedures
do not take long and are generally inexpensive, but when performed consistently, will help ensure
many years of reliable performance.
Gasket kits includes all the gasket material necessary to replace the gasket on the stoves lid or
ash pan. To check the seal, close the lid on a dollar bill and slowly try to pull the dollar bill free. If
it can be easily removed then the seal is too loose. Check several spots around the lid. If the lid
gasket needs replacement, scrape out the old gasket and cement and clean the area with a wire
brush. Apply a small bead of high temperature silicon cement and push in the new gasket. After
closing the lid wipe clean any excessive cement that has come from beneath the gasket. Inspect
the stove: Using a strong light inspect the stove inside and out for cracks or leaks.