What is the best way to re-fuel if the front chamber is partially full?
Adding fuel when the firebox is above half full, or more, is the most difficult time to add fuel with-
out getting smoke escaping.
With the lid closed the stove is taking in air through the air intake only, which provides controlled
air to the bottom of the firebox and thus contains the fire at the bottom and no higher than the air
intake tubes. When the lid is opened, suddenly the fire gets unlimited air and everything in the
firebox wants to burn.
Again it is best not to add fuel to the stove until it runs low of fuel, but if you must top it off, follow
the above procedures, and add the fuel as quickly as possible. Smoke at the time of refueling, is
not an issue because there will not be an excessive amount from a low fuel load.
How and when do I empty the ashes?
You will discover your new SEDORE stove produces much less ash than a standard air-tight
stove. This is because the smoke and gases are trapped in the front chamber where they are
burned, instead of just going up the chimney as in a standard air-tight. The ashes are very easy to
clean out.
Because of the direction of the draft from the front to the back, ashes will be automatically swept
into the back chamber. If you take a scoop or two out every day from the side ash removal doors,
you will seldom have to follow the below procedures.
Remember, you want to always retain a bed of ashes 2-3 inches deep in the front chamber, at all
times. In fact, you don't have to do anything about the ashes until they are interfering with the air
intake holes.
For your protection always wear safety gloves when handling ashes.
A.) If you have a side clean-out model, follow these steps:
Wait until your stove has burned down to a bed of coals.
Bring coals to the front with your hoe-poker.
Push extra ash through the back, under the baffle.
Push coals back and block the passage under the baffle.
Open the draft fully and add new fuel to the front and top of these coals.
Scoop the ashes out of the side clean-out door and into a metal container.
B.) If you have an ash pan model, follow these steps:
When ashes have built up to the air holes, you know you have to get rid of some.
Simply push and pull the shaker-grate a few times and the ashes will fall through to the ash
pan below.
Never take the ash pan out until you are down to a bed of coals, and never with the lid up.
(The ash pan can be extremely hot, so wear gloves).
Dispose of ashes in a safe container until cool.
Replace and lock the ash pan in place