Ash Removal
For your protection always wear safety gloves when handling ashes.
Ash removal will be required periodically depending on how frequently the stove is used. Conven-
iently, the Sedore woodstove is equipped with dual ash removal doors for easy ash removal while
the stove continues burning without the need for opening the stoves lid.
The ash doors are located on the lower rear of the right and left side of the stove. To open the
ash doors, move air intake bar fully open, then lift either ash door from its brackets. Only remove
one ash door at a time to avoid total loss of draft. Remove ash door and place it close by. Slide a
metal ash bucket under the lip and use the ash removal tool to pull the ashes from the stove.
When finished removing the ash, replace the ash door into its bracket.
A.) If you have a side clean-out model, follow these steps:
Wait until your stove has burned down to a bed of coals.
Bring coals to the front with your hoe-poker.
Push extra ash through the back, under the baffle.
Push coals back and block the passage under the baffle.
Open the draft fully and add new fuel to the front and top of these coals.
Scoop the ashes out of the side clean-out door and into a metal container.
B.) If you have an ash pan model, follow these steps:
When ashes have built up to the air holes, you know you have to get rid of some.
Simply push and pull the shaker-grate a few times and the ashes will fall through to the ash
pan below.
Never take the ash pan out until you are down to a bed of coals, and never with the lid up.
(The ash pan can be extremely hot, so wear gloves).
Dispose of ashes in a safe container until cool.
Replace and lock the ash pan in place
The ashes should be placed in a metal container equipped with a tight sealing lid. The container
should be placed on a non-combustible floor or on the ground, well away from all combustible
materials, pending final disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally
dispersed, they should be retained in the closed container until all cinders have thoroughly
Caution: Only use a vacuum for this job if the vacuum is specifically designed for ashes.