How to configure the Beeper
1. At any time, press the Setup key
Press the Configure soft key
Press the Beeper soft key
Look to see which beeper status (ON or OFF) is selected (denoted by an arrow).
4. Press the soft key pertaining to the status you want and then press the ENT key.
Scale reverts back to Configure screen; press the CLR key to return to normal operat-
ing mode
The Service Menu is used to configure the system time and date, perform diagnostics and perform scale
calibration. The service menu is password protected.
Scale Calibration
– When needed, use this menu to perform digital scale calibration with known
test weights
– This menu can access three (3) diagnostic tests: A/D Test, LCD Test and Key-
board Test
– This menu should be used to configure system time and date
How to perform Scale Calibration
Your SPS-70DL postal scale is ready to use right out of the box. There is no need to calibrate the
scale unless you feel that the scale has become inaccurate. It is a good idea to check the calibra-
tion of your scale from time to time with a precision test weight.
1. At any time, press the Setup key
Press the Service soft key
Scale prompts you to enter in a password
Key-in the password (336699) and then press the ENT key
Scale displays the available menus on the soft key screen
Press the Calibrate soft key
Scale prompts you to remove all items from the platter
Make sure that the platter is clear and then press the ENT key
Scale prompts you to place 4 pounds onto the scale
Make sure that you have placed the proper test weight onto the scale platter and
then press the ENT key
Scale displays “Please Wait” briefly and then prompts you to place 50 pounds onto the