Sintesis™ model RTAF units utilize the following control/
interface components:
Symbio™ 800 Controller
Tracer AdaptiView™ TD7 Operator Interface
Symbio 800
The Symbio™ 800 controller is a factory-installed,
application specific and programmable controller
designed to control chillers and large packaged HVAC
equipment. A 7 inch user interface features a touch
sensitive color screen that provides facility managers at-a-
glance operating status, performance monitoring,
scheduling changes, and operating adjustments. Other
advanced features include automated controller backup,
and optional features such as secure remote connectivity,
wireless building communications, mobile device
connectivity, and custom programming with expandable
For more information, see
Symbio™ 800 Controller
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manual,
AdaptiView Display
Information is tailored to operators, service technicians,
and owners. When operating a chiller, specific information
is needed on a day-to-day basis setpoints, limits,
diagnostic information, and reports.
This information is provided through the AdaptiView™
display. Logically organized groups of information chiller
modes of operation, active diagnostics, settings and
reports put information conveniently at your fingertips.
For more information, see
Sintesis Air-Cooled Chiller
Model RTAF AdaptiView Display User Guide
Tracer TU
The AdaptiView™ TD7 operator interface allows for daily
operational tasks and setpoint changes. However, to
adequately service Sintesis chillers, Tracer
TU service
tool is required. (Non-Trane personnel, contact your local
Trane office for software purchase information.) Tracer TU
adds a level of sophistication that improves service
technician effectiveness and minimizes chiller downtime.
This portable PC-based service-tool software supports
service and maintenance tasks, and is required for
software upgrades, configuration changes and major
service tasks.
TU serves as a common interface to all Trane
chillers, and will customize itself based on the properties of
the chiller with which it is communicating. Thus, the
service technician learns only one service interface.
The panel bus is easy to troubleshoot using LED sensor
verification. Only the defective device is replaced. Tracer
TU can communicate with individual devices or groups of
All chiller status, machine configuration settings,
customizable limits, and up to 100 active or historic
diagnostics are displayed through the service-tool
software interface.
LEDs and their respective Tracer TU indicators visually
confirm the availability of each connected sensor, relay,
and actuator.
Figure 37.
Tracer TU