General Information
Commonly Used Acronyms
For convenience, a number of acronyms and
abbreviations are used throughout this manual. These
acronyms are alphabetically listed and defined below.
Table 1.
Act = active
AH = Air Handler
Annunc = Annunciator
AS = AirSide
Aux = auxiliary
BAS = building automation systems
BCI = BACnet
Communication Interface
CCFM = hundreds of cubic-feet-per-minute
CCW = counterclockwise
cfm = cubic-feet-per-minute
Cfg = Configured, configuration
ckt = circuit
Cmd = command
Comp (s) = compressor, compressors
Cond = condenser, condensers
Config = configured, configuration
Ctrl = control
CV = constant volume
Cy = cycle
CVDA = Constant Speed Fan (CV)/Discharge Air Temp Control
CVZT = Constant Speed Fan (CV)/Zone Temperature Control
CW = clockwise
DCV = Demand Control Ventilation
Dflt = default
Diag = diagnostic
Dmpr = damper
DWU = Daytime Warm-up
E/A = exhaust air
ECEM = exhaust control/enthalpy module
Econ = economizer, economizing
Ent = entering
Evap = evaporator
F/A = fresh air
Funct = function
GBAS = generic building automation system (module)
HGBP = Hot Gas Bypass
HGP = Hot Gas Bypass
Hi = high
HI = where all caps Human Interface
HO = History Only (Diagnostic)
HVAC = heating, ventilation and air conditioning
ICS = Integrated Comfort System
IGV = inlet guide vanes
INFO = Information Only (Diagnostic)
I/O = input/output
Indep = Independent
IOM = installation/operation/ maintenance manual
IPC = interprocessor communications
IPCB = interprocessor communications bridge (module)
IWC = inches water column
LH = left-hand
Lo = low
LCI = LonTalk
Communication Interface
LCI-I = LonTalk Communication Interface for IntelliPak™ Module
Manif = manifolded
Max = maximum
Min = minimum
Misc = miscellaneous
MCM = Multiple Compressor Module
MDM = Modulating Dehumidification Module
Mod = modulating
MPM = Multi-Purpose Module
MWU = morning warm-up
NSB = night setback panel
Num = number
O/A = outside air
Occ = occupied
OVRD = override
PAR = Partial System Disable, Auto Reset (Diagnostic)
PMR = Partial System Disable, Manual Reset (Diagnostic)
Pos = position
Pot = potentiometer
PPM = parts per million
HEAT = where all caps HEAT (module)
Propor = proportional
psig = pounds-per-square-inch gauge pressure
PWS = part-winding start
R/A = return air
Refrig = refrigerant
RH = right-hand
RHI = Remote Human Interface
rpm = revolutions-per-minute
RT = rooftop unit
RTM = rooftop module
SA = supply air
SAP = supply air pressure
Sat = saturated
SCM = Single Compressor Module
SF = supply fan
Table 1.
Acronyms (continued)