Default Unoccupied Zone Temp Setpoint(s)
Used With: All Units when Electric, Hydronic or
External Heat is installed.
Factory Presets: Cool: 85 F, Heat: 60 F,
Morning Warmup: 72 F
Possible Values: Cool: 52 F to 90F, Heat: 50 F
to 88F, Morning Warmup: 50 F to 90 F.
Cool: 85 F
Heat: 60 F
Morn Warmup: 72 F
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
Minimum difference of 2 degrees F maintained between Heating & Cooling SETPOINTS. Morning warmup cannot
be lower than Heating SETPOINTS.
Reference Enthalpy: Enable Air econ
Used With: Units when an airside economizer is
Factory Presets: 25 BTU/LB
Possible Values: 19 to 28 BTU/LB
When OA Enthalpy is below:
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
Supply Air Low Limit - Modulate Economizer
Used With: All Units when an airside
economizer is installed
Factory Presets: 50 F
Possible Values: 40 to 65 F
Toward Min Pos if SA Temp below:
50 F
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
Default Design Min OA Damper Pos: 15%
Used With: All units with an airside economizer
Factory Presets: 15%
Possible Values: 0-100%
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
Default OA Damper Min Position: 15%
Used With: All units with an airside economizer,
OA Damper and IGV/VFD or without an airside
economizer, with IGV or VFD and a VCM.
Factory Presets: 15%
Possible Values: 0-100%
With IGV/VFD Command At Minimum
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
Default OA Damper Min Position: 10%
Used With: All units with an airside economizer,
OA Damper and IGV/VFD or without an airside
economizer, with IGV or VFD and a VCM.
Factory Presets: 10%
Possible Values: 0-100%
With IGV/VFD Command At Maximum
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
Default Minimum OA Flow Setpoint: 40 CCFM
Used With: Units with a VCM.
Possible Values: Setpoing = 0-max unit
airflow; Deadband = 5.0-20 CCFM
Min OA Flow Deadband: 10.0 CCFM
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
Preheat Output ON If Preheat Temp Below
Used With: Units with a VCM.and preheat
Factory Presets: 35 F
Possible Values: 35-75 F
Preheat Activation Temperature 35 F
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
Default Supply Air Pressure:
1.5 IWC
Used With: All Units when IGV/VFD is installed.
Also, on units with SAT cotnrol without air
voume control and supply air pressure sensor
Factory Presets: SETPOINT: 1.5 IWC
High Limit: 4.0 IWC; Deadband: 0.5 IWC
Possible Values: SETPOINT Setpoint = 0.5-
4.3 IWC
High Limit 1.2 - 4.7 IWC;
Deadband 0.1 - 2.0 IWC
High Limit: 4.0 IWC Deadband:
0.5 IWC
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
The high limit sepoint cannot be adjusted below the parameters of the following equation: The high limit =
Deadband - 0.1