Start-up with the heat pump zone sensor is
included below:
Cooling mode expectations: On the zone sensor, set
the fan/system mode switch to the AUTO position.
2. Reduce the zone sensor setpoint until the compressor,
reversing valve, solenoid valve, and loop pump are
energized. Adjust water flow utilizing pressure/
temperature plugs and comparing to tables contained
in specification sheet data.
Cool air should blow from the register. Water leaving
the heat exchanger should be warmer than the
entering water temperature (approximately 9-12ºF);
blower operation should be smooth; compressor and
blower amps should be within data plate ratings; the
suction line should be cool with no frost observed on
the refrigerant circuit.
3. Check the cooling refrigerant pressures against values
Table 49, p. 56
4. Turn the zone sensor fan/system mode switch to the
OFF position. Unit should stop running and the
reversing valve should de-energize.
5. Leave unit off for approximately 5 minutes to allow for
pressure equalization.
6. Turn the zone sensor setpoint to the highest setting.
Heating mode expectations: Set the zone system fan/
system mode switch to the AUTO position.
8. Wait until the unit energizes the Fan and Compressor
for Heating operation. Warm air should blow from the
register. A water temperature decrease of
approximately 5-9ºF leaving the heat exchanger
should be noted. The blower and compressor
operation should be smooth with no frost observed on
the refrigeration circuit.
9. Check the heating refrigerant pressures against values
Table 49, p. 56
10. Set the zone sensor setpoint to the appropriate setting
according to the application requirements. Note the
Occupied Offset selection when determining the
desired cooling and heating setpoints.
11. Instruct the owner on system operation.
Operating Pressures
There are many variables (airflow, air temperatures) in an
air conditioning system that will affect operating
refrigerant pressures and temperatures.The charts below
shows approximate conditions and is based on air flow at
the rated SCFM, entering air at 80°F(DB), 67°F(WB) in
cooling, 68°F(DB) in heating. (+)Heating data with 35°F
EWT is based on the use of an anti-freeze solution having
a freezing point 20°F lower than the minimum expected
entering temperature.
Table 47. Checklist
Entering fluid temperature
Leaving fluid temperature
Temperature differential
Return-air temperature DB/WB
Supply-air temperature DB/WB
Temperature differential
Water coil heat exchanger
(Water Pressure IN)
_________PSIG _________PSIG
Water coil heat exchanger
(Water Pressure OUT)
_________PSIG _________PSIG
Pressure Differential
_________PSIG _________PSIG
Discharge line temperature
(after 10 minutes)
Table 47. Checklist