Copyright 2015
User Manual: TP 235 MOBILE / TP 275 MOBILE from date 01.12.2016
This menu contains information about the current software version used in the wood chipper.
Version no. of software in the de-central box
The de-central box is located in the engine compartment.
Version no. of control system in the TP NAVIGATOR screen.
The wood chipper must be inspected every day. This includes opening the disc housing and
checking the feed, disc, knives, counterknives, triangle scraper and square scrapers. This will
ensure that unexpected stoppages are avoided and prolong the life of the wood chipper.
When carrying out maintenance and repairs, the wood chipper must be stopped, and the wood
chipper key must be removed from the ignition before the rotor housing is opened. (see opening
and closing of disc housing chapter). 7). In addition, the wood chipper must also be positioned on
a level, flat surface when carrying out maintenance and repairs.