Chapter 4
PPPoE Session
- The PPP session type for IPv6 connection. There are two
Share with PPPoEv4
- The PPPoEv6 and PPPoEv4 use the same PPP
Create a new Session
- The PPPoEv6 and PPPoEv4 use different PPP
sessions. It is default to select this option.
- Enter the username and password provided by your ISP.
These fields are case-sensitive.
Address Mode
- The way to get the IPv6 address and prefix.
- Get the IPv6 address and prefix by router advertisement.
- Get the IPv6 address and prefix by DHCPv6.
IPv6 Address
- The IPv6 address assigned by your ISP dynamically.
Default Gateway
- Display the default gateway in colon-hexadecimal notation
provided by your ISP.
MTU (in bytes)
- The normal MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) value is 1492
Bytes. For some ISPs, you may need to modify the MTU. But this is rarely
required, and should not be done unless you are sure it is necessary for your
ISP connection.
Get IPv6 DNS Server Automatically
- If your ISP does not give you any DNS IPv6
address, keep the default selection
Get IPv6 DNS Server Automatically
, and the
DNS servers will be assigned from ISP dynamically.
Primary IPv6 DNS
- Enter the DNS IPv6 address in colon-hexadecimal
notation provided by your ISP.
Secondary IPv6 DNS
- Enter another DNS IPv6 address in colon-
hexadecimal notation provided by your ISP.
Use the following IPv6 DNS Servers
- If your ISP gives you one or two DNS IPv6
addresses, select
Use the following IPv6 DNS Servers
and enter the
Secondary IPv6 DNS
in the corresponding fields.
Connection Mode
- The way to connect the ISP.
Alway On
- Connect automatically.
Connect Manual
- Connect by the user manually.
- Click
to connect immediately.
- Click
to disconnect immediately.