Install Omada App on the Mobile Device
Omada app runs on iOS and Android devices, such as smart phones and tablets. Launch
the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play store (Android) and search “TP-Link Omada” or
simply scan the QR code to download and install the app.
Scan for Omada App
Download Omada App
Manage and Monitor your EAP Device
For a relatively small-scale network which has a few EAPs (usually less than three) and only
basic functions are required, managing your EAPs via Omada app is recommended. You
can use a mobile device to configure each EAP individually for basic functionality.
Refer to the topology below, make sure that the following requirements have been met:
An Ethernet connection from your Omada EAP to the LAN with DHCP service.
Omada app is only compatible with certain firmware versions of the EAP. To check
the firmware versions of the supported EAPs, please refer to
A compatible iOS or Android device with Omada app.
Mobile Device Installed
with Omada App
Follow the steps below to manage your network via Omada app in standalone mode. The
following page is exampled with the iOS version of the app. The Android version is similar.