7. Remove the engine from the engine mount. You may also
remove the mount, or leave it in position. Drill 1/16" [1.6 mm]
pilot holes through the marks you made for the rear engine
bolts. Then, enlarge the holes with a 1/8" [ 3.2 mm ] drill.
8. Drill a 3/16" [ 4.8 mm ] hole through the fi rewall for the
throttle pushrod guide tube at the “
” mark (or at another
location previously marked.)
9. Mount the engine to the engine mount with all four M3
x 25 SHCS and washers and M3 lock nuts.
Hook Up the Throttle
1. Guide the throttle pushrod guide tube through the hole
you drilled in the fi rewall, through the hole in the former in the
fuel tank compartment and up to the throttle servo location.
Cut the guide tube to the correct length, then glue it into
place. See the pictures on the next page for reference.
2. Mount the throttle servo to the throttle servo mount.
3. Fit, then glue the throttle servo mount into position.
4. Fasten the screw-lock connector to the throttle servo
arm – use threadlocker to tighten the double nuts to each
other, but not to the servo arm. This way, the screw-lock
connector will be able to pivot as the servo arm rotates.