6. To adjust the elevator pushrods and tighten the elevator
pushrod link, again with the radio on and the servo powered,
use a 1.5mm hex driver to fi rst tighten the
set screw
locking the pushrod link to the pushrod. Using a straightedge
to hold one of the elevators fl at with the stab, tighten the
corresponding set screw in the link to lock the pushrod down.
Then, tighten the other set screw for the other pushrod the
same way.
7. Use the radio to move the elevators up and down
observing the pushrods and the pushrod link to make
sure everything operates smoothly. Make any adjustments
We’ll mount the on/off switch (if used) and receiver after the
engine/motor has been mounted.
Mount the Brushless Motor
Skip to page 16 if installing a glow engine.
1. Push a pin or a small nail into the four “X” marks
in the firewall that mark the location of the holes for the
mounting screws.
2. Drill 1/16" [1.6 mm ] pilot holes through the “X” marks.
Then, enlarge the holes with a 5/32" [4 mm ] drill.
3. Cut and remove the piece from the firewall for the
motor wires.
4. Mount the motor to the fi rewall with M 3 x 15 button-
head screws, M 3 lock washers and fl at washers and M3
blind nuts in the back of the fi rewall.