While microwave heating
Empty foods in can, jar, or bag, retort food,
and vacuum-packed food in other dish
Remove freshness-keeping agent
(oxygen absorber)
They may cause fire, explosion, damage to the
oven, injury, and burn.
Do not cook raw eggs, boiled eggs
(with or without shells), sunny side up
The egg may break and cracking of the base
inside due to impact may cause injuries or
burns. It can suddenly break after removal.
E g g s i n t h e r s h e l l a n d w h o l e h a r d - b o i l e d
e g g s s h o u l d n o t b e h e a t e d i n m i c r o w a v e
o v e n s s i n c e t h e y m a y e x p l o d e , e v e n a f t e r
microwave heating has ended.
・ Scramble eggs very well
before heating.
・ Do not warm up boiled eggs
(within dishes like Oden, chop suey).
Be careful when taking out dishes
or foods and when
removing plastic wraps
When it’s hot, steam may
come out immediately,
which may cause burns.
Do not use containers and bags that has been finished with metals such as
the square plate, wire net, aluminum foil, metal container, metal skewer,
metal rope, aluminum tape, aluminum
It may cause sparks and the bottom of the oven or door glass breaks and may lead injuries.
Do not heat food less than 100g
Since the food temperature is not properly detected,
food gets overheated and might cause fire.
・Please heat manually while checking the food
inside carefully.
※ Automatic cooking “Quick defrost” or “steam full
defrost” is for less than 50 g
Do not overheat drinks, oily foods, etc.
It may boil suddenly when or just after
taking it out and may cause burns. Also,
by putting powder like instant coffee
may make the liquid boil suddenly.
Microwave heating of beverages can result in
delayed eruptive boiling, therefore care must
be taken when handling the container.
・ Do not heat drinks with “REHEAT” key. Heat milk or
alcohol with the “BEVERAGE” key. For other liquids like
coffee and water, follow the instructions on page 46 and
set moderate duration and heat up manually.
・ If overheated, leave the food inside the oven for more
than 2 minutes and take it out after cooled down.
・ Use shorter, wider mouth container.
・ Follow the contents in
operation manual with regard
to the portion, container,
placement, etc.
・ Mix drinks with spoon or other
tools well before and after heating.
Remove lids from high sealing containers,
cut or crack foods with skin, shell, or film
(squid, chestnuts, ginkgo, etc.)
They may break and damage
the oven, cause injury or burns.
Remove lid
cut shell
Do not heat without anything in the oven
It may cause sparks, or the body or inside of
the oven gets heated abnormally and leads
high temperature, which may cause burns.
Also, heating long duration or small portion makes
inside of the oven hot and may cause burns. Please
do not touch inside of oven right after heating.
Do not overheat foods
Longer cooking time for the food portion, it will
cause smoke and fire.
・ For manual heating, set moderate duration
by referring the setting time on page 46 while
checking the food inside carefully.
・ Especially, please be careful with following
foods: small portion, food with oils (bread
with butter, fried foods, etc.), food with less
water (popcorn, etc.), root vegetables (sweet
potatoes, carrots, etc.), foods tend to get hot
(red bean buns, etc.).
・ For automatic cooking, please follow the
contents in the instruction manual in regard to
portion, container, plastic wraps, etc.
Do not use heating cook with infrared
sensor for containers with lids (Page 20)
With lid, the food temperature cannot be properly
detected, food gets overheated and might cause
fire or the container might break.
・Please remove the lid before heating.
When heating baby foods and
nursery foods, mix well and check the
temperature after heating
The food may cause burns.
Explosive boil
Drinks: liquids like coffee, milk, soy milk, water,
yogurt, soups like miso soup
Oily foods: fresh cream, butter, etc.
Thick foods: curry, stew, etc.
Liquids and other foods must not be
heated in sealed containers since they
are liable to explode
When heating food in plastic or paper
containers, keep an eye on the oven
due to the possibility of ignition.
Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens