There are 8 fuses in the electrical system. The fuse block
(Figure 66) is located behind the control arm access
Figure 66
Fuse block
Figure 67
Drive System
Adjusting the Traction Drive
for Neutral
The machine must not creep when the traction pedal is
released. If it does creep, adjust as follows:
1. Park the machine on a level surface, stop the engine,
and lower the cutting units to the floor.
2. Disconnect the left brake cable from the brake pedal
(Figure 68) and set the parking brake.
Figure 68
Left brake cable
Brake pedal
3. Jack up the left side of the machine until the front
tire is off the shop floor. Support the machine with
jack stands to prevent it from falling accidentally.
On 4 wheel drive models, the right rear tire
must also be off the shop floor
4. On the right side of the hydrostat, loosen the locknut
on the traction adjustment cam (Figure 69).