.5'30#513 $'.5
.5'30#513 $3#%'
#0 $'.5 +)
Check tension by depressing belt at mid span of
fan and drive shaft pulleys with 22 lbs. of force. A new
belt should deflect .48-.58 in. A used belt should
deflect .55-.65 in. If deflection is incorrect, proceed to
next step. If correct, continue operation.
To adjust belt tension:
Loosen idler pulley mounting nut, move pulley
to increase tension and tighten nut.
#0 $'.5
&.'3 26..'9
If engine throttle lever does not contact high idle stop
when accelerator pedal is fully depressed, an
adjustment to the accelerator cable is required. Check
adjustment every 200 operating hours.
Position vehicle on level surface, stop engine and
engage the parking brake.
Engine must not be running and return spring
must be attached.
Adjust ball joint on accelerator cable to allow
.100"-.250" clearance between accelerator pedal and
top of diamond tread floor plate, when a 25 lb. force is
applied to center of pedal. Tighten locknut.
0)+0' /645 $' 3600+0) 41 (+0#. #&,645:
/'05 %#0 $' 2'3(13/'& 1 )6#3& #)#+045
2144+$.' 2'3410#. +0,639 '0)#)' 2#3-:
+0) $3#-' #0& -''2 *#0&4 (''5 (#%' #0&
15*'3 2#354 1( 5*' $1&9 #8#9 (31/ (#0 13
15*'3 /17+0) 2#354
Maximum high idle speed 3650 rpm. High idle stop
should not be adjusted.
%%'.'3#513 %#$.'
#.. ,1+05
Re-torque initially after 50 operating hours and check
every 1000 operating hours or annually thereafter.
Adjust initially at 50 operating hours and check every
600 operating hours or annually thereafter.
! "
Change Transaxle hydraulic fluid, filter and clean
strainer every 800 hours.
Position the vehicle on a level surface, stop engine,
engage the parking brake and remove key from
ignition switch.