/1. 433/.
(Fig. 18) - Pressing button activates
),3 23%%1).' ,%5%1
'.)3)/. 26)3#(
/1. "433/.
//,!.3 3%-0
.').% ,/6 /), 01%2241% ,)'(3
(!1'% ).$)#!3/1
,/6 0,4' 26)3#(
,/6 0,4' ).$)#!3/1 ,)'(3
.').% /6 ), 1%2241% )'(3
(Fig. 18) - The light
glows and the engine will shut down if the oil pressure
drops below safe levels. Turn the key off and check the
oil level. If the oil level was low, but adding oil does not
cause the light to go out within 4 seconds, do not
operate the vehicle and contact your local Toro
distributor for assistance.
/ ./3 /0%1!3% 5%()#,% 4.3), 1%0!)1 )2
#/-0,%3% !),41% 3/ /"2%15% 3()2 01%#!43)/. -!7
1%24,3 ). $!-!'% 3/ 3(% %.').%
,/6 ,4' 6)3#( !.$ .$)#!3/1
(Fig. 18) Ċ Use to
preheat engine cylinders prior to cold engine starting
procedures Ċ cylinders are preheated automatically
during warm engine start operation. For cold starting,
push switch lever upward and hold while watching
indicator. Indicator will glow orange when the glow
plugs are activated. Length of time necessary to
preheat cylinders should be determined by
atmospheric temperature; refer to Starting /Stopping
'.)3)/. 6)3#(
(Fig. 18) -The ignition switch, used to
start and stop the engine, has three positions: OFF, ON
/ Preheat and START. Rotate key clockwise Ċ START
position Ċ to engage starter motor. Release key when
engine starts. The key will move automatically to the
ON position. To shut engine off, rotate key
counterclockwise to OFF position.
(!1'% .$)#!3/1
(Fig. 18) - Illuminates when battery
is being discharged. If light illuminates during
operation, stop vehicle, turn Off engine and check for
possible causes, such as alternator belt.
& !,3%1.!3/1 "%,3 )2 ,//2% /1 "1/+%. $/
./3 /0%1!3% 5%()#,% 4.3), !$*423-%.3 /1 1%0!)1 )2
#/-0,%3% !),41% 3/ /"2%15% 3()2 01%#!43)/. -!7
1%24,3 ). $!-!'% 3/ 3(% %.').%
/ #(%#+ /0%1!3)/. /& 6!1.).' ,)'(32
Apply parking brake.
Turn ignition key to ON", but do not start engine.
The charge indicator and oil pressure lights should
glow. If any light does not function, either a bulb is
burned out or there is a malfunction in the system
which must be repaired.
High water temperature function on warning
light cluster is not used.
/41 %3%1
(Fig. 19) - Indicates the total hours of
machine operation. The hour meter starts to function
whenever the key switch is rotated to ON" position.
/41 -%3%1
4%, '!4'%
3%%1).' 6(%%,
4%, !4'%
(Fig.19) - Shows amount of fuel in tank.
Operates only when ignition switch is in ON" position.
3%%1).' (%%,
(Fig. 19) - Turns vehicle. If engine
stalls or power assist fails due to a malfunction, vehicle
steering will require greater effort.