38) 361%00= )2+-2) 7,390( 78%68 %*8)6 %&3:)
&0))(-2+ 463')(96)7 %6) *3003;)( 3;):)6 -*
)2+-2) (3)7 238 78%68 %-6 1%= &) 86%44)( &)8;))2
-2.)'8-32 4914 %2( -2.)'8367 6)*)6 83 0))(-2+ -6
631 2.)'8367
" "
Release parking brake.
Fully depress clutch pedal.
Move gear shift lever to 1st gear.
Release clutch pedal smoothly while depressing
accelerator pedal.
When vehicle gains enough speed, remove foot
from accelerator pedal, fully depress clutch pedal,
move gear shift lever to next gear and release clutch
pedal while depressing accelerator pedal. Repeat
procedure until desired speed is attained. Stop vehicle
before shifting to reverse and forward.
Avoid long periods of engine idling.
Leaving ignition switch in ON" position for long
periods of time without running engine will discharge
3 238 ,30( *6328 ;,))07 8962)(
%+%-278 8,) 6-+,8 36 0)*8 78347 *36 032+)6 8,%2
7)'32(7 ,) ,=(6%90-' 4914 1%= 3:)6 ,)%8
6)7908-2+ -2 4914 36 78))6-2+ +)%6 (%1%+)
Do not attempt to push or tow vehicle to get it
started. Damage to drive train could result.
To stop machine, remove foot from accelerator
pedal, depress clutch pedal, then depress brake
To stop engine, rotate ignition key to OFF and
engage parking brake. Remove key from switch to
prevent accidental starting.
# "
Your Workman vehicle is ready for work. To provide
proper performance and long vehicle life, follow these
guidelines for the first 100 operating hours.
Check the fluid and engine oil levels regularly and
be alert for indications of overheating in any
component of the vehicle.
After starting a cold engine, let it warm up for about
15 seconds before shifting into gear.
Avoid racing the engine.
Avoid situations requiring hard stops, especially
when hauling heavy loads or pulling a trailer. It is
necessary to fully break-in a new set of brake linings
to achieve full braking performance. Follow this
guideline whenever new linings are installed.
Vary vehicle speeds during operation. Avoid
excessive idling. Avoid fast starts and quick stops.
A break-in oil for engine is not required. Original
engine oil is the same type specified for regular oil
Refer to Maintenance section of Operator's Manual
for any special low hour checks.
The purpose of the interlock system is to prevent the
engine from cranking or starting unless the clutch
pedal is depressed.
,) -28)603'/ 7;-8',)7 %6) *36 8,) 34)6%>
8367 4638)'8-32 73 (3 238 &=4%77 8,)1
,)'/ 34)6%8-32 3* 8,) 7;-8',)7 (%-0= 83
%7796) -28)603'/ 7=78)1 -7 34)6%8-2+ * %
7;-8', -7 1%0*92'8-32-2+ 6)40%') -8 &)*36)
34)6%8-2+ )+%6(0)77 ;,)8,)6 7;-8',)7
%6) 34)6%8-2+ 4634)60= 36 238 6)40%')
8,)1 ):)6= 8;3 =)%67 83 %7796) 1%<-191
7%*)8= 3 238 6)0= )28-6)0= 32 7%*)8=
7;-8',)7 97) '31132 7)27)
3 :)6-*= '098', -28)603'/ 7;-8', 34)6%8-32
Sit on operator's seat and engage parking brake.
Move shift lever to NEUTRAL position.
Without depressing clutch pedal, rotate key
clockwise to start position.
If engine cranks or starts, there is a malfunction in
the interlock system that must be repaired before
operating vehicle.
)*)6 83 88%',1)28 4)6%8367 %29%0 *36
463')(96) 32 ',)'/-2+ %88%',1)28 -28)603'/
The vehicle is designed with safety in mind. It has four
wheels for added stability. It uses familiar automotive
style controls, including the steering wheel, brake
pedal, clutch pedal, accelerator pedal, and gear
shifter. It is important to remember, however, that this
vehicle is not a passenger car. It is a work vehicle and is
designed for off road use only.
,) #
-7 %2 3**,-+,;%=
:),-'0) 320= %2( -7 238 ()7-+2)(
)59-44)( 36 1%29*%'896)( *36 97) 32
49&0-' 786))87 63%(7 36 ,-+,;%=7