Engine Trouble
To activate this common alarm, at least one of the following alarms must be active: Fail to start, Overspeed,
Electronic Control Module Selector Switch in Alternate Position (301), Fuel Injection Malfunction (302), Electronic
Control Module Warning (303), Electronic Control Module Fault (304), Low Engine Temperature (312), Low Oil
Pressure, High Engine Temperature, Battery 1 Failure, Battery 2 Failure, Loss of Continuity 1, Loss of Continuity 2,
Overpressure or Low Pneumatic Pressure
Low Spare Temperature
Disconnect the Spare Temperature connector. Depending of your sensor type, put a jumper between positive pin
(left) or negative pin (right) and signal pin (middle) of this connector (See drawing for more details).
Flow Start
Put a jumper between the Flow Start input and ground (See drawing for more details).
Cooling No Flow
Put a jumper between the Cooling No Flow input and ground (See drawing for more details).
Flow Meter On
Put a jumper between the Flow Meter On input and ground (See drawing for more details).
Engine Fail When Running
Start the engine. Depending of your engine type, disconnect #1 or put a jumper between #12 and #6 to stop the
engine. (See drawing for more details).
IO Diesel Communication Error
Press Reset button of the Diesel IO Board (Small button close to the phone jack)
IO Expansion 1 Communication Error
Press the Reset button of the Expansion 1 IO Board (Small button close to the phone jack)
IO Expansion 2 Communication Error
Press the Reset button of the Expansion 2 IO Board (Small button close to the phone jack)
IO Expansion 3 Communication Error
Press the Reset button of the Expansion 3 IO Board (Small button close to the phone jack)
IO Expansion 4 Communication Error
Press the Reset button of the Expansion 4 IO Board (Small button close to the phone jack)
Low Pump Room Temperature
Put a jumper between Low Pump Room Temperature input and ground (See drawing for more details).
Main Relief Valve Open
Put a jumper between Main Relief Valve Open input and ground (See drawing for more details).
Pneumatic Fail to Start
Disconnect the TB6 relay connector. Disconnect #1, #9, #10 and #12 engine wires (See drawing for more details).
Start cranking sequence (Example: Remove Remote Automatic Start jumper). Wait until the cranking sequence
Hydraulic Fail to Start
Disconnect the TB6 relay connector. Disconnect #1, #9, #10 and #12 engine wires (See drawing for more details).
Start cranking sequence (Example: Remove Remote Automatic Start jumper). Wait until the cranking sequence