This page allows the configuration of alarm signals on the inputs, and outputs relay signals. Two buttons located far
right navigates between the input and output section of the page.
The input page has four elements: The NO/NC setting, the “Digital Text Indication” field, the “Alarm Bell Icon” and
the “Alarm Icon”. Each one can be enabled or disabled. The first step is to click on the square button beside the text
field to activate the management of the input signal. If the “Alarm Bell Icon” is enabled, the input signal will trigger
the Alarm Bell. If the “Alarm Icon” is enabled, the input signal will be treated as an alarm, if not, as a warning. As on
the output page, the buttons at the top allow for an easy navigation between all available inputs of the diesel board.
The configuration is performed by pressing on the square box located beside one of the signal needed. The box
will swap between BLANK (none), a NO (normally open) and a NC (normally close) symbol, allowing the desired
configuration to be obtained. The fin
al state of the output signal is a logical “OR” combination of all selected signal.