The left section is use to show the “Installed” state of the Oil Pressure Sender. The rest of the page is already
explained in the “Analog sensors” section of the manual.
If the “Calibration Type” is selected to be “Lin. Resistor”, the bottom section will allow the user to directly enters the
First point (resistor-pressure) and Second point (resistor-
pressure) values, depending on the sender’s model. The
“Fixed Resistor” value is linked to the hardware resistor installed between the “+” and the “IN” inputs of the
corresponding analog input.
K) Fuel Level
The “Fuel Level” analog input gives the possibility to support engine with no electronic “Low-High Level;” switch.
The sender must be connected to the AI4 analog inputs on the I/O Board.
The first small green line and small red line on the gradations sho
ws the Set point of the “Low Fuel Level” Signal. It
is active if the level goes below the set point.
The second small green line and small red line on the gradations shows the Set point of the “High Fuel Level”
Signal. It is active if the Level goes above the set point.
The rectangle box below the gauge displays the actual value.
Pressing on the gauge will bring the user to the “Config > Advanced > Fuel Level” page.
The left section is use to show the “Installed” state of the Fuel Level Sensor. The rest of the page is already
explained in the “Analog sensors” section of the manual.
If the “Calibration Type” is selected to be “ON/OFF” (to be use with powered low fuel level switch), the frame at the
bottom of the page will be empty, and a “NO/NC” setting will be available to configure the signal.
Details of the Debug Page
Config > Advanced > Debug > Calibration
This table displays all calibration parameters. The “Scaled” value is the final calculated value used in the ViZiTouch.
is calculated by multiplying the “Raw” value by the “Gain” coefficient and by adding the “Offset” value. This
information is useful when debugging the analog inputs on the IO board.