© 2008 TOPEX S.A.
For normal operation, no extra equipment (as external GSM telephones, etc.) is needed. All
programmable parameters are default-preset in such a manner that you can start your telephone
traffic at the moment you connect the Ethernet and supply cables, antenna and SIM card and set the
IP parameters.
The intelligent routing of incoming calls accelerates the connection of incoming calls and
makes calling more comfortable. Unlike mobile telephones, TOPEX VoxiPLUS does not expose you
to the RF electromagnetic field while making calls, since the GSM antennas are located away from
the users.
The advanced equipment features, besides the four mobile channels and the VoIP of
VoxiPLUS, also other interfaces, either four ISDN-BRI or two E1 interfaces. The BRI version comes
equipped with four BRI interfaces. The version with E1 trunks may feature different signalizations: R2,
ISDN-PRI, etc. The advanced gateway can take in up to three plug-in cards, which may be MPAI with
telephony interfaces (type FXO and FXS), or suplemantary cards with GSM modules. You may use
different combinations of FXS and FXO ports and mobile channels. For instance, you can choose all
three plug-in cards of GSM type, thus bringing the number of mobile voice channels available to 12.
- Up to 64 VoIP channels
- four ISDN-BRI or two ISDN-PRI interfaces
- eight FXS or FxO ports per MPAI card (maximum three cards)
- four GSM or UMTS channels (4 SIM cards) per GSM card (maximum three cards)
On the front panel of the box there are
- RS232 - used for connecting to the equipment via serial cable in order to access the operating
system of the Topex box, for advanced settings, such as changing the IP address.
- LAN connector - RJ45 connector used for the connection with local network
- WAN connector - used for the external network (Internet connection)
- two E1 connectors for the E1 trunks in case of the E1 version, or
- four connectors for the ISDN channels in case of the BRI version
- four holders for the 4 SIM cards and one or four antenna connectors for the 4 GSM modules of
each GSM card
- eight RJ45 connectors for the FXO or FXS ports of each MPAI cards (board with configurable
telephony interfaces).
H323 and SIP supported
Mobility Extension
Advanced call-routing of both incoming and outgoing (any-to-any between VoIP, ISDN and
Fax services - T38 and pass-through (FoIP)
Advanced security with integrated firewall
SIM Server Ready
Email - Fax, SMS and Voicemail integration
All-in-one and any-to-any:
- Gateway between VoIP and ISDN Networks
- Gateway between VoIP and Mobile Networks
- Gateway between ISDN and Mobile Networks
- SME solution for interconnecting existing classic PBX solution with VoIP, ISDN(BRI or PRI) and
GSM/UMTS networks