TOPEX MobiLink
Preliminary Manual
Inserting the SIM cards
The one or two SIM cards to be used must be inserted into the
special tray slots of the TOPEX MobiLinkIP device.
The slots for SIM cards are located on
the right side of the MobiLink IP box,
towards the top, below the indicator
LEDs, as shown in the next image.
For inserting or extracting the SIM
card use the mobile holder (removable
tray) for the respective SIM card.
Use the little yellow button to actuate
each holder
Note that in case of two SIM slots, the
SIM holders are in a row one following
another: the first one (from the left) is
SIM2, fro Mobile 2 network, and the
second is SIM1, for Mobile 1 network.
Handle with care when inserting or extracting SIM card
When inserting or changing the SIM card, the equipment must be powered off.
For inserting the SIM card follow the next steps:
Unplug the MobiLink unit from the main outlet before insert or replace a SIM card!
For each of the SIM cards, follow these steps:
1. Press the little button to eject the SIM holder.
TOPEX S.A. +4 021.408.39.00
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