8 Locate the elevator servo mounting plates ESM and the servo mounts SMS. Cut three pieces of scrap
1/64” plywood about 3/8” x 1”, these will be used as temporary spacers when mounting the servos. Note
that this procedure will be used and referred to for all wing servos as well. Place the servo into position
on ESM so that the servo arm will be centered in the servo arm opening in ESM. Place a piece of scrap
1/64” ply under it. Place one SMS at each end of the servo with a 1/64” ply scrap spacer between the servo
and each SMS. Using thin CA sparingly, tack SMS to ESM. Carefully remove the servo and the 1/64” ply
spacers. Now using thin CA, apply a liberal amount to secure ESM and SMS firmly together. After curing,
place the servo back into position with the ply spacers in place and drill the screw holes for the servos into
SMS. Remove the servo and spacers and saturate SMS with thin CA. After it cures thoroughly, re-drill the
screw holes and then install the servo. The assembly is now ready to install into the stabilizer.
This concludes the stabilizer and elevator assembly.
A few notes on the wing construction before you begin. With this type of notch and tab engineering it is
necessary to initially assemble many of the components without glue. This is to facilitate adding internal
parts before the assembly becomes ridged and inflexible. Please follow gluing instructions and do not
glue the assembly until instructed to do so. I cannot over emphasize the importance of having all parts
bottomed in their respective notches and tabs before applying glue.
1 Locate the false leading edge sections,
FLE-A, FLE-B and FLE-C. Use a
straight edge over the plans and aligned
with the aft edge of FLE-C and pin it
in place. Now locate FLE-C and place
it against the front edge of the straight
edge. Place some pinning tabs at every
other FLE-C stand off and using thin
CA, glue one to each stand off and pin
the tab to the plans. Proceed down FLE-
C until the entire length is secured to
the plans. Repeat this operation to FLE-
B and FLE-A. Note that all sections are
designed to overlap.
Wing construction begins by fastening the false leading edge sections firmly
to the building board. Where the wing break sections meet, the sections in
terlace with a simple finger joint. A straight edge is used to align the sec
tions with the plans and assure they are straight and at 90° to the building
2 Locate SW-B, SW-T and all wing ribs.
W1 through W14 including W6-A, W6-
B, W7-A, W10-A and W11-A.
3 Use pin registration for all of the fol-
lowing rib sub-assemblies. Assemble
rib sub-assemblies W6, W6-A and W6-
B. Note that W6-A must be on the in-
board side of W6. W6-B must be on the
outboard side of W6. See the plan.
4 Assemble rib sub-assembly W7 and
W7-A,. Note that W7-A must be on the
inboard side of W7.