1 Sand the root ends of the wing panels
as flat as possible. Cut two ¼” x ½”
dowels and glue them into one of the
wing panel root ribs where indicated
on the plans. These will serve to align
the two root ribs and assure that both
wing panels are at the same incidence
without any guesswork. Cut a piece of
scrap balsa 9-1/2” long to prop up one
panel. Place one panel flat on the bench
with waxed paper under the root end
and weight it down. Place the remain-
ing wing panel into position and prop
up the tip with the scrap prop stick. If
everything looks good, mix up a batch
of microballons and Epoxy. Apply a lib-
eral application of the mixture around
the perimeter of the root rib and then
join the two panels. Use rubber bands
at the trailing edge and long strips of
masking tape at the leading edge to
pull the two panels together.
The wing joiner consists of three layers of 1/64” ply at the junction of the
spar flanges. The wing halves are glued with a slurry of micro balloons and
Epoxy to fill any gap in the center section. This method yields a very strong
true I-beam spar that is contiguous from tip to tip.
When cured, locate the ply wing joiner
pieces (WJ). The wing joiners consist
of three layers of 1/64” plywood that
join the top and bottom spar flanges.
When installed, the wing spar will be
one contiguous I-beam from tip to tip.
Remove the 1/16” balsa sheeting at
the root. Use WJ as a template. Apply
Epoxy to the top spar flange and then
press into place one WJ. Add another
layer of Epoxy and another WJ, repeat
this process one more time to complete
the top wing joiner.
The self leveling wing dowel plate is attched with Epoxy after leveling the
wings. The trailing edge is shimmed up 1”. After curing the stand portion
of WDP is removed and then the 5/16” holes are drilled through W15 us
ing WDP as a guide. This assures perfect alignment with the dowel holes
in former F2. The 1/8” positioning dowel through W1 and WDP assures
the correct location of the wing dowels.
Install the bottom wing joiner in the
same manner.
Use thin CA to tack one end of the 1” wide fiberglass tape to the trailing edge at the center section. Pull the
tape tight and CA at the leading edge. Repeat this on the bottom of the wing and then Brush in finishing
resin to glass the center section.
The wing dowel plate (WDP) will be installed next. Note the WDP has a bracket at the bottom that will
hold it level when placed on the bench. Place the wing on the bench with the trailing edge blocked up 1”.
Use a 1/8” dowel in the opening provided in W1. This will engage the hole in WDP for exact position of
the wing dowels. Use Epoxy to attach WDP, level the wings and check WDP for square to the bench.