Locate ESMR and ESM. Use three #1
x 3/16” stainless flat head wood screws
to attach ESMR to ESM. Screw one
ESMR to each end of ESM. Test fit
and then glue this assembly to S2-BOT
and S3-BOT in the notchs supplied.
Take care not to get adhesive on the
ply plate ESM. After the adhesive has
set, remove the screws and ESM. This
method will assure that ESM will fit
perfectly after sheeting.
Partially assembled stabilizer section with only the bottom sheeting remain
ing to be added. All components are clearly visible here. Note the servo
mounting screw rails between S2-BOT and S3-BOT, the hinge point caps,
and leading and trailing edges.
The stabilizer sheeting is labeled SS
with a T or a B for top or bottom. The
bottom sheeting has holes cut into it for
the servo plates and the servo wire exit
holes. Assemble two top and two bot-
tom sheets. They are comprised of three
sections each.
Sand the leading and trailing edge of the stabilizer assembly to contour with the ribs,. This should only
require a few passes with sandpaper. Test fit one of the top sheet assemblies. Assure that it lines up with
the center rib and the tip rib. Then remove it. Apply a bead of thick CA along the trailing edge and the
install the sheeting by inserting the notches in the sheeting into the tabs in STE. Turn the assembly and
while holding each rib firmly against the rib, apply thin CA. Do the aft half of each rib first, then turn the
assembly around and complete the forward portion of the ribs. Then while holding the leading edge sheet-
ing against SLE, trickle CA down the inside of the assembly to glue the sheeting at the leading edge.
11Repeat this operation for the remaining top sheeting.
12 To install the bottom sheeting, use ali-
phatic resin glue along each rib with the
exception of the area around the servo
bay opening. We will be trimming this
material later and will glue it after trim-
ming. Put a bead of thick CA along the
trailing edge STE and then place the
sheeting into the tabs on STE. Hold
this assembly flat until the trailing edge
glue has cured. Pull the sheeting tight
and firmly squeeze it at the leading edge
while applying thin CA. Work your way
along the leading edge until complete.
Repeat this method for the remaining
bottom sheeting.
ESM is temporarily installed and used as a guide to cut the exact opening
for it. Note the counter sink on ESM so the screw heads will sit flush with
the surface.