Vers. 1.0
Oil charging function for hybrid systems:
From the main menu select “Manual/ Automatic” and press the “Enter” key.
If the station is preset for Standard and Hybrid systems, the display will show the choice of the type of system
Standard / Hybrid.
Select w
ith the “up/down” keys the system type desired and confirm by pressing “Enter” key.
: run this operation with closed quick fittings
If selected a different system type from the previous one programmed, the station will start running an Internal
Cleaning. The duration of the internal cleaning will be required on the display.
Take Notice:
using PAG oil in hybrid vehicles or in electrical vehicles it may damage the vehicle compressor.
Take Notice:
it is possible to insert tracer in the car previously mixed with oil in the specific small tank.
Take Notice:
always run an internal cleaning to avoid oil contamination.
If the cleaning cycle is interrupted it will be required to initiate the cleaning every time, even selecting the same
system type.
The cleaning cycle is completed when the oil drain is finished.
Once the oil draining is finished the display will enter on the “Manual/ Automatic” page.
Use the arrow “right/left” keys to navigate through the menu and select the “Oil Charge” symbol (Hmix).
Use the arrows “up/down” to programme the amount of charging oil.
Open the high and low pressure taps.
Press the “Enter” key to run the oil charging.
Take notice:
To inject the oil, the system has to be vacuumed (run a vacuum function in the AC system). With
system under pressure it will be visualizes an error “system under pressure” message.
by selecting "A" using the down arrow key (below zero) it will be charged the
same amount of oil drained during the "Recovery" function.
Take notice:
if select “A” in manual mode the station will not charge oil in the system
Gas charging function:
Ensure that in the internal bottle has a sufficient amount of gas before proceeding.
Use the arrow “right/left” keys to navigate through the menu and select the “C” Gas Charge symbol;
Image 20
– Standard Oil Charge
Image 21
– Hybrid Oil Charge