Enter IPServer interface in the DVR side to configure the following parameters:
IP: IP address of PC where IPServer Manage located.
Port: The “UDP Port” is 8888 in “service port configuration” of the IPServer Manage interface.
“Register ID” means “Device Registration code” of the added device in IPServer interface.
Check “open”, click Save and settings success.
Query the IP add via IPClient tool, there are 2 ways as below:
A. Type into “device name” box with correct format, thereinto, the Server IP is equal to the IP add of the PC where this IP Server Manage located; Port is equal to “TCP Port” that is
8880; DVR_NAME means “device name”, click “Query”, then you could query the IP add of DVR.
B. Using the “Preset IP and Port” function, you can query by just typing “# + device name” in the “Device Name” input box. The method is: type the IP add of the PC where the IP
Server Manage located. (Just using the default if this is the default device ), type “TCP Port” into “device port” input box, then you could query via click “Preset IP and Port”.
Notice: 1. Please check whether the “IP Server Manage” service has been started or not, if you could not query IP add.
2. There are 2 conditions, if you using under the WAN:
A. If Both DVR and PC connect to WAN directly, not via the Router, then do as per the steps above will be ok;
B. If either DVR or PC connect to the WAN via the Router, then you could set the Mapping Port in the Router, specific setting as follow: The “Mapping Port” of the Router where
DVR located set as “TCP Port”, “Mapping Port” of the Router where PC located set as “UDP Port”, just need to set the only Router which has connected with DVR or PC.