Start by adjusting the servo board in the fuse
lage. It should be glued in as far back as possib
le in front of the wing joiner tube. Do not glue
Screw the elevator and rudder servo into the
slots provided in the servo board. The servo
lever of the elevator should be approx. 18mm
long until the bore, the rudder lever needs ap
prox. 45mm length (bore / bore). Both servo le
vers should be aligned at 90 ° neutral position.
Mount the elevator on the fuselage with the M3 Allen screw.
Now determine the exact length of the linkage with neutral servo position and 90 °
servo lever position from the center of the hole rudder horn to hole servo lever. This
is made easier if you fix the rudder blade in neutral position with adhesive tape.
Make the elevator linkage from the carbon tube,
M3 threaded rods, M3 nuts and M3 clevises in the
previously determined length. Equip the carbon
push rod with 2-3 cross holes with a 1.5 mm drill
bit. This achieves a positive-locking connection by
the glue. Bonding the threads to the carbon tube
should be done with Uhu Endfest 300 or thickened
24h epoxy resin after the threads have been pro
perly degreased. The threads must be about 25mm
out of the pipe. Do not use inferior adhesives!